Deep Flexibility

EQUIPMENT NEEDED: 1 Yoga mat 1 chair 1 yoga block (a bolster or book will work) 1 trigger ball (a tennis ball or similar will work) 1 small anti-burst ball 1 red Therband 1 red loop band 1 purple loop band 1 foam roller Postural stretches for Flat Back Posture. Guidance on breath and alignment during each release. Muscles this program addresses include: hamstrings, IT band, TFL, pec major, side body, pec minor, psoas, anterior delts, piriformis, ql, posterior delts, lats, gluts and calves.



Deep Flexibility

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EQUIPMENT NEEDED: 1 Yoga mat 1 chair 1 green loop band 1 red loop band 1 foam roller 1 yoga block (a bolster or book will work) 1 small anti-burst ball (a pillow or bolster will work) 1 trigger ball (a tennis ball or similar will work) Postural stretches for Kyphotic Lordosis and Lordosis Posture. Guidance on breath and alignment during each release. Muscles this program addresses include: hip flexors (psoas complex), pec major, pec minor, anterior delts, quadriceps, inner thighs, posterior delts, calves, hamstrings, gluts and the lower back.