Deep Flexibility
SBP Destress, Increase Flexibility 2 - Beginner/Intermediate Flexibility Essentials 25 minPostural stretches for Sway Back Posture. Guidance on breath and alignment during each release. Muscles this program addresses include: hamstrings, IT band, TFL, pec major, pec minor, psoas, anterior delts, quadriceps, piriformis, ql, upper fibers of the rectus abdominis and external obliques, posterior delts, lats, gluts and calves.

Deep Flexibility
FBP Destress, Increase Flexibility 1 - Beginner Flexibility Essentials 25 minEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 yoga block
1 foam roller
1 small anti-burst ball
1 black Theraband
1 gray loop band
1 trigger ball (a tennis ball or similar works)
Postural stretches for Flat Back Posture. Guidance on breath and alignment during each release. Muscles this program addresses include: hamstrings, IT band, TFL, pec major, side body, pec minor, psoas, anterior delts, piriformis, ql, posterior delts, lats, gluts and calves.