Yoga: Footwork, Upper Body, Abs, Balance, Squats, Lunges and Flexibility
SBP Ab Workouts, Back and Arms, Balance Work, Destress, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 1 - Beginner Yoga 30 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 small anti-burst ball
1 orange loop band
1 yellow Theraband
1 single 3-pound weight
A physical yoga program for people with Sway Back Posture. This practice includes strength and toning for the TVA, rectus abdominis, pelvic floor, upper back extensors, hip flexors, gluts, adductors and medial intrinsic muscles of the feet. Balance work with yoga postures through all planes of motion, for injury prevention and flexibility to improve functional movement patterns. There’s careful attention to alignment and breath to ensure your safety and productivity during each workout.

Yoga: Ab Series
SBP Ab Workouts, Balance Work, Destress, Strength & Toning (overall body) 1 - Beginner Yoga 10 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 small anti-burst ball
1 orange loop band
A physical yoga program for people with Sway Back Posture. This practice includes strength and toning for the TVA, external and internal obliques, and pelvic floor. There’s careful attention to alignment and breath to ensure your safety and productivity during each workout.

Yoga: Footwork, Abs, Backs, Balance and Flexibility
SBP Ab Workouts, Back and Arms, Balance Work, Destress, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 1 - Beginner Yoga 10 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 small anti-burst ball
1 orange loop band
A physical yoga program for people with Sway Back Posture. This practice includes strength and toning for the TVA, external and internal obliques, pelvic floor, hip flexors, gluts, adductors and medial intrinsic muscles of the feet. Balance work with a yoga posture through the frontal plane of motion is included for injury prevention and flexibility is woven in to improve functional movement patterns. There’s careful attention to alignment and breath to ensure your safety and productivity during each workout.

Yoga: Lunges, Abs, Balance and Flexibility
SBP Ab Workouts, Balance Work, Destress, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 1 - Beginner Yoga 10 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 single 3-pound weight
A physical yoga program for people with Sway Back Posture. This practice includes strength and toning for the TVA, pelvic floor, hip flexors, gluts, adductors and medial intrinsic muscles of the feet. Balance work with a yoga posture through the sagittal plane of motion is incorporated for injury prevention and flexibility is woven in to improve functional movement patterns. There’s careful attention to alignment and breath to ensure your safety and productivity during each workout.

Scoliosis: Strength and Toning Class
KLP, LP Ab Workouts, Back and Arms, Balance Work, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 1 - Beginner Scoliosis 60 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 small anti-burst ball
1 gray loop band
1 orange loop band
1 black Theraband
1 yellow Theraband
1 single 3-pound weight
1 trigger ball (a tennis ball or similar works)
1 chair
2 slider discs or wash cloths
Full class for people with Kyphotic Lordotic & Lordosis Posture programmed to combat and improve both structural or functional Scoliosis. Designed to strengthen the convex side and improve flexibility on the concave side, thus balancing out the body. There’s an emphasis on strength work for the abdomen, upper back extensors, gluts, hamstrings, and lateral intrinsic muscles of the feet. There’s specific cueing of breath and alignment to ensure your safety and productivity during each workout. Athena recommends that you take this class a minimum of three times a week to improve stamina, and overall posture/alignment.

Scoliosis: Abs, Back and Lower Body
KLP, LP Ab Workouts, Back and Arms, Balance Work, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 1 - Beginner Scoliosis 30 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 small anti-burst ball
1 gray loop band
1 orange loop band
1 black Theraband
1 yellow Theraband
1 single 3-pound weight
1 trigger ball (a tennis ball or similar works)
Floor series for people with Kyphotic Lordotic & Lordosis Posture programmed to combat and improve both structural or functional Scoliosis. Designed to strengthen the convex side and improve flexibility on the concave side, thus balancing out the body. There’s an emphasis on strength work for the abdomen, upper back extensors, gluts, hamstrings, and lateral intrinsic muscles of the feet. There’s specific cueing of breath and alignment to ensure your safety and productivity during each workout.

Scoliosis: Footwork, Upper Body, Abs, Balance, Squats, Lunges and Flexibility
KLP, LP Ab Workouts, Back and Arms, Balance Work, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 1 - Beginner Scoliosis 30 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 gray loop band
1 orange loop band
1 yellow Theraband
1 single 3-pound weight
1 chair
2 slider discs or wash cloths
Standing series for people with Kyphotic Lordotic & Lordosis Posture programmed to combat and improve both structural or functional Scoliosis. Designed to strengthen the convex side and improve flexibility on the concave side, thus balancing out the body. There’s an emphasis on strength work for the abdomen, upper back extensors, gluts, hamstrings, and lateral intrinsic muscles of the feet. There’s specific cueing of breath and alignment to ensure your safety and productivity during each workout.

Scoliosis: Ab Series
KLP, LP Ab Workouts, Balance Work, Strength & Toning (overall body) 1 - Beginner Scoliosis 10 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 gray loop band
1 black Theraband
Ab work for people with Kyphotic Lordotic & Lordosis Posture programmed to combat and improve both structural or functional Scoliosis. Designed to strengthen the convex side and improve flexibility on the concave side, thus balancing out the body. There’s specific cueing of breath and alignment to ensure your safety and productivity during each workout.

Scoliosis: Footwork, Abs, Back, Balance and Flexibility
KLP, LP Ab Workouts, Back and Arms, Balance Work, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 1 - Beginner Scoliosis 10 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 gray loop band
1 orange loop band
1 single 3-pound weight
1 chair
Standing strength work for people with Kyphotic Lordotic & Lordosis Posture programmed to combat and improve both structural or functional Scoliosis. Designed to strengthen the convex side and improve flexibility on the concave side, thus balancing out the body. There’s specific cueing of breath and alignment to ensure your safety and productivity during each workout.

Scoliosis: Lunges, Abs, Balance and Flexibility
KLP, LP Ab Workouts, Balance Work, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 1 - Beginner Scoliosis 10 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 gray loop band
1 orange loop band
1 yellow Theraband
2 slider discs or wash cloths
Standing strength work for people with Kyphotic Lordotic & Lordosis Posture programmed to combat and improve both structural or functional Scoliosis. Designed to strengthen the convex side and improve flexibility on the concave side, thus balancing out the body. There’s specific cueing of breath and alignment to ensure your safety and productivity during each workout.

Scoliosis: Lunges, Abs, Balance and Flexibility
SBP Ab Workouts, Balance Work, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 1 - Beginner Scoliosis 10 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 small anti-burst ball
1 gray loop band
1 yellow Theraband
Standing strength work for people with Sway Back Posture programmed to combat and improve both structural or functional Scoliosis. Designed to strengthen the convex side and improve flexibility on the concave side, thus balancing out the body. There’s specific cueing of breath and alignment to ensure your safety and productivity during each workout.

Scoliosis: Footwork, Abs, Back, Balance and Flexibility
SBP Ab Workouts, Back and Arms, Balance Work, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 1 - Beginner Scoliosis 10 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 orange loop band
1 yellow Theraband
Standing strength work for people with Sway Back Posture programmed to combat and improve both structural or functional Scoliosis. Designed to strengthen the convex side and improve flexibility on the concave side, thus balancing out the body. There’s specific cueing of breath and alignment to ensure your safety and productivity during each workout.

Scoliosis: Ab Series
SBP Ab Workouts, Balance Work, Strength & Toning (overall body) 1 - Beginner Scoliosis 10 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 small anti-burst ball
1 gray loop band
1 orange loop band
1 black Theraband
Ab work for people with Sway Back Posture programmed to combat and improve both structural or functional Scoliosis. Designed to strengthen the convex side and improve flexibility on the concave side, thus balancing out the body. There’s specific cueing of breath and alignment to ensure your safety and productivity during each workout.

Scoliosis: Footwork, Upper Body, Abs, Balance, Squats, Lunges and Flexibility
SBP Ab Workouts, Back and Arms, Balance Work, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 1 - Beginner Scoliosis 30 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 small anti-burst ball
1 gray loop band
1 orange loop band
1 black Theraband
1 yellow Theraband
Standing series for people with Sway Back Posture programmed to combat and improve both structural or functional Scoliosis. Designed to strengthen the convex side and improve flexibility on the concave side, thus balancing out the body. There’s an emphasis on strength work for the abdomen, upper back extensors, gluts, hip flexors, and medial intrinsic muscles of the feet. There’s specific cueing of breath and alignment to ensure your safety and productivity during each workout.

Scoliosis: Abs, Back and Lower Body
SBP Ab Workouts, Back and Arms, Balance Work, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 1 - Beginner Scoliosis 30 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 small anti-burst ball
1 gray loop band
1 orange loop band
1 black Theraband
1 yellow Theraband
1 single 3-pound weight
1 trigger ball (a tennis ball or similar works)
Floor series for people with Sway Back Posture programmed to combat and improve both structural or functional Scoliosis. Designed to strengthen the convex side and improve flexibility on the concave side, thus balancing out the body. There’s an emphasis on strength work for the abdomen, upper back extensors, gluts, hip flexors, and medial intrinsic muscles of the feet. There’s specific cueing of breath and alignment to ensure your safety and productivity during each workout.

Scoliosis: Strength and Toning Class
SBP Ab Workouts, Back and Arms, Balance Work, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 1 - Beginner Scoliosis 60 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 small anti-burst ball
1 gray loop band
1 orange loop band
1 black Theraband
1 yellow Theraband
1 single 3-pound weight
1 trigger ball (a tennis ball or similar works)
Full class for people with Sway Back Posture programmed to combat and improve both structural or functional Scoliosis. Designed to strengthen the convex side and improve flexibility on the concave side, thus balancing out the body. There’s an emphasis on strength work for the abdomen, upper back extensors, gluts, hip flexors, and medial intrinsic muscles of the feet. There’s specific cueing of breath and alignment to ensure your safety and productivity during each workout. Athena recommends that you take this class a minimum of three times a week to improve stamina, and overall posture/ alignment.