Chronic Back and Joint Pain: Strength and Toning Class
KLP, LP Ab Workouts, Back and Arms, Balance Work, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 2 - Beginner/Intermediate Back & Joint Pain 60 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 purple loop band
1 red loop band
1 green loop band
1 blue Theraband
1 yellow Theraband
1 black Theraband
1 single 3-pound weight
Workout with founder, Athena Casey. This program she has created is for all individuals with Kyphotic Lordotic Posture and Lordosis Posture, including people with chronic back and / or joint pain. It covers abs, back, lower body, footwork, appropriate squats and lunges for your body, flexibility and balance moving through all planes of motion for injury prevention. Throughout the class, enjoy the constant instruction of breath and alignment, which is specific to your skeletal structure.

Visualization for Feeling Grounded and Safe
FBP, KLP, LP, SBP Destress 1 - Beginner, 2 - Beginner/Intermediate, 3 - Intermediate, 4 - Intermediate/Advanced, 5 - Advanced Visualization 5 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 bolster or cushion
Essential oils (optional)
This guided clock visualization with the root chakra mudra and aromatherapy allows you to strengthen your feelings of safety around both people and money. Over time this practice will make you more grounded and grant you the strength to safely establish healthy boundaries when necessary. Athena recommends taking TVA Breathing versus Belly Breathing prior to taking this class.