Chronic Back and Joint Pain: Lower Body Series
SBP Balance Work, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 3 - Intermediate Back & Joint Pain 10 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 green loop band
Workout with founder, Athena Casey. This program she has created is for all individuals with Sway Back Posture, including people with chronic back and / or joint pain. It covers lower body work. Throughout the class, enjoy the constant instruction of your breath and alignment, which is specific to your skeletal structure.

Chronic Back and Joint Pain: Back Series
SBP Back and Arms, Balance Work, Strength & Toning (overall body) 3 - Intermediate Back & Joint Pain 10 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 small anti-burst ball
1 green Theraband
1 single 3-pound weight
Workout with founder, Athena Casey. This program she’s created is for all individuals with Sway Back Posture, including people with chronic back and / or joint pain. It covers back work. Throughout the class, enjoy the constant instruction of your breath and alignment, which is specific to your skeletal structure.

Chronic Back and Joint Pain: Ab Series
SBP Ab Workouts, Balance Work, Strength & Toning (overall body) 3 - Intermediate Back & Joint Pain 10 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 small anti-burst ball
1 foam roller
Workout with founder, Athena Casey. This program she has created is for all individuals with Sway Back Posture, including people with chronic back and / or joint pain. It covers abs. Throughout the class, enjoy the constant instruction of your breath and alignment, which is specific to your skeletal structure.

Chronic Back and Joint Pain: Footwork, Upper Body, Balance, Squats, Lunges and Flexibility
SBP Ab Workouts, Back and Arms, Balance Work, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 3 - Intermediate Back & Joint Pain 30 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 small anti-burst ball
1 foam roller
1 green Theraband
1 black Theraband
1 red Theraband
1 single 3-pound weight
1 single 5-pound weight
1 green loop band
1 chair
Workout with founder, Athena Casey. This program she has created is for all individuals with Sway Back Posture, including people with chronic back and / or joint pain. It covers abs, back, lower body, footwork, appropriate squats and lunges for your body, flexibility and balance moving through all planes of motion for injury prevention. Throughout the class, enjoy the constant instruction of breath and alignment, which is specific to your skeletal structure.

Chronic Back and Joint Pain: Abs, Back and Lower Body
SBP Ab Workouts, Back and Arms, Balance Work, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 3 - Intermediate Back & Joint Pain 30 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 small anti-burst ball
1 foam roller
1 green Theraband
1 single 3-pound weight
1 green loop band
Workout with founder, Athena Casey. This program she has created is for all individuals with Sway Back Posture, including people with chronic back and / or joint pain. It covers abs, back, lower body and add the bonus of an important postural stretch. Throughout the class, enjoy the constant instruction of breath and alignment, which is specific to your skeletal structure.

Chronic Back and Joint Pain: Strength and Toning Class
SBP Ab Workouts, Back and Arms, Balance Work, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 3 - Intermediate Back & Joint Pain 60 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 small anti-burst ball
1 foam roller
1 green Theraband
1 black Theraband
1 red Theraband
1 single 3-pound weight
1 single 5-pound weight
1 green loop band
1 chair
Workout with founder, Athena Casey. This program she has created is for all individuals with Sway Back Posture, including people with chronic back and / or joint pain. It covers abs, back, lower body, footwork, appropriate squats and lunges for your body, flexibility and balance moving through all planes of motion for injury prevention. Throughout the class, enjoy the constant instruction of breath and alignment, which is specific to your skeletal structure.

Trampoline Cardio Burst & Flexibility
KLP, LP Boost Endurance, Increase Flexibility, Lower Body Conditioning, Weight Loss 2 - Beginner/Intermediate Cancer Patients 30 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 trampoline
1 foam roller
1 purple loop band
1 yellow Theraband
1 blue Theraband
1 chair
30 Minutes
This video is suitable for anyone who does not have neck, back or knee issues looking to increase their endurance and improve heart health. Exercises are programmed through all planes of motion for injury prevention and sports enhancement. Trampoline work is excellent for the lymphatic system and boosting energy (i.e. improving one’s mood).

Trampoline Cardio Burst & Flexibility
FBP Boost Endurance, Increase Flexibility, Lower Body Conditioning, Weight Loss 2 - Beginner/Intermediate Cancer Patients 30 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 trampoline
1 small anti-burst ball
1 yellow Theraband
1 blue Theraband
1 black Theraband
1 foam roller
1 yoga block
This video is suitable for anyone who does not have neck, back or knee issues looking to increase their endurance and improve heart health. Exercises are programmed through all planes of motion for injury prevention and sports enhancement. Trampoline work is excellent for the lymphatic system and boosting energy (i.e. improving one’s mood).

Trampoline Cardio Burst & Flexibility
SBP Boost Endurance, Increase Flexibility, Lower Body Conditioning, Weight Loss 2 - Beginner/Intermediate Cancer Patients 30 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 trampoline
1 small anti-burst ball
1 foam roller
1 yellow Theraband
1 blue Theraband
1 black Theraband
This video is suitable for anyone who does not have neck, back or knee issues looking to increase their endurance and improve heart health. Exercises are programmed through all planes of motion for injury prevention and sports enhancement. Trampoline work is excellent for the lymphatic system and boosting energy (i.e. improving one’s mood).

Deep Flexibility
SBP Destress, Increase Flexibility 2 - Beginner/Intermediate Flexibility Essentials 25 minPostural stretches for Sway Back Posture. Guidance on breath and alignment during each release. Muscles this program addresses include: hamstrings, IT band, TFL, pec major, pec minor, psoas, anterior delts, quadriceps, piriformis, ql, upper fibers of the rectus abdominis and external obliques, posterior delts, lats, gluts and calves.

Deep Flexibility
SBP Destress, Increase Flexibility 1 - Beginner Flexibility Essentials 20 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 yoga block
1 foam roller
1 small anti-burst ball
1 trigger ball (a tennis ball or similar works)
1 gray loop band
1 black Theraband
20 Minutes
Postural stretches for Sway Back Posture. Guidance on breath and alignment during each release. Muscles this program addresses include: hamstrings, IT band, TFL, pec major, pec minor, psoas, anterior delts, quadriceps, piriformis, ql, upper fibers of the rectus abdominis and external obliques, posterior delts, lats, gluts and calves.

Chronic Back and Joint Pain: Lower Body Series
KLP, LP Balance Work, Lower Body Conditioning, Strength & Toning (overall body) 3 - Intermediate Back & Joint Pain 10 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 blue loop band
1 red loop band
1 black Theraband
Workout with founder, Athena Casey. This program she has created is for all individuals with Kyphotic Lordotic and Lordosis Posture, including people with chronic back and / or joint pain. It covers lower body work. Throughout the class, enjoy the constant instruction of your breath and alignment, which is specific to your skeletal structure.

Chronic Back and Joint Pain: Back Series
KLP, LP Back and Arms, Balance Work, Strength & Toning (overall body) 3 - Intermediate Back & Joint Pain 10 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 blue loop band
1 green Theraband
1 red Theraband
1 single 5-pound weight
Workout with founder, Athena Casey. This program she has created is for all individuals with Kyphotic Lordotic and Lordosis Posture, including people with chronic back and / or joint pain. It covers back work. Throughout the class, enjoy the constant instruction of your breath and alignment, which is specific to your skeletal structure.

Chronic Back and Joint Pain: Ab Series
KLP, LP Ab Workouts, Balance Work, Strength & Toning (overall body) 3 - Intermediate Back & Joint Pain 10 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 blue loop band
1 green Theraband
Workout with founder, Athena Casey. This program she has created is for all individuals with Kyphotic Lordotic and Lordosis Posture, including people with chronic back and / or joint pain. It covers abs and opens with an important postural stretch. Throughout the class, enjoy the constant instruction of your breath and alignment, which is specific to your skeletal structure.

Chronic Back and Joint Pain: Flexibility
KLP, LP Increase Flexibility 3 - Intermediate Back & Joint Pain 10 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 chair
Workout with founder, Athena Casey. This program she has created is for all individuals with Kyphotic Lordotic and Lordosis Posture, including people with chronic back and / or joint pain. It covers flexibility. Throughout the class, enjoy the constant instruction of your breath and alignment, which is specific to your skeletal structure.

Chronic Back and Joint Pain: Cardio Burst
KLP, LP Boost Endurance, Lower Body Conditioning, Weight Loss 3 - Intermediate Back & Joint Pain 15 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 blue loop band
1 green Theraband
1 yellow Theraband
1 single 5-pound weight
Workout with founder, Athena Casey. This program she has created is for all individuals with Kyphotic Lordotic and Lordosis Posture, including people with chronic back and / or joint pain. It covers low impact cardio bursting through all planes of motion for injury prevention. Throughout the class, enjoy the constant instruction of your breath and alignment, which is specific to your skeletal structure.