Cardio Kickboxing
KLP, LP Boost Endurance, Weight Loss 5 - Advanced Cardio Kickboxing 15 MinGet ready to burn calories and sweat. This is a wonderful intermediate cardio burst to boost endurance, get your frustrations out, and lose weight.
Not recommended for individuals with back, hip, or knee issues.
Not recommended for women prenatal or postnatal.
Not advised for people with Sway Back or Flat Back Posture; due to the posturally tight hamstrings, there’s a higher risk for lower back injuries.

Cardio Kickboxing
KLP, LP Boost Endurance, Weight Loss 3 - Intermediate Cardio Kickboxing 15 MinGet ready to burn calories and sweat. This is a wonderful intermediate cardio burst to boost endurance, get your frustrations out, and lose weight.
Not recommended for individuals with back, hip, or knee issues.
Not recommended for women prenatal or postnatal.
Not advised for people with Sway Back or Flat Back Posture; due to the posturally tight hamstrings, there’s a higher risk for lower back injuries.

Cardio Kickboxing
KLP, LP Boost Endurance, Weight Loss 1 - Beginner Cardio Kickboxing 20 MinGet ready to burn calories and sweat. This is a wonderful beginner cardio burst to boost endurance, get your frustrations out, and lose weight.
Not recommended for individuals with back, hip, or knee issues.
Not recommended for women prenatal or postnatal.
Not advised for people with Sway Back or Flat Back Posture; due to the posturally tight hamstrings, there’s a higher risk for lower back injuries.

Slider Disc Cardio Burst
SBP Boost Endurance, Lower Body Conditioning, Weight Loss 3 - Intermediate Slider Discs 20 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 red loop band
1 blue loop band
1 green Theraband
2 slider discs or wash cloths
Challenging low impact cardio burst. Excellent for enhancing coordination, lengthening and strengthening the full abdomen, upper back, gluts, and hip flexors. Founder, Athena Casey, recommends taking this class 3x a week for your heart health. Follow it up with Sway Back Flexibility work.

Slider Disc Cardio Burst
SBP Boost Endurance, Lower Body Conditioning, Weight Loss 2 - Beginner/Intermediate Slider Discs 20 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 green loop band
1 purple loop band
1 blue Theraband
2 slider discs or wash cloths
Challenging low impact cardio burst. Excellent for enhancing coordination, lengthening and strengthening the full abdomen, upper back, gluts, and hip flexors. Founder, Athena Casey, recommends taking this class 3x a week for your heart health. Follow it up with Sway Back Flexibility work.

Slider Disc Cardio Burst
KLP, LP Boost Endurance, Lower Body Conditioning, Weight Loss 5 - Advanced Slider Discs 15 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 green loop band
2 slider disc or wash cloths
Challenging low impact cardio burst. Excellent for enhancing coordination, lengthening and strengthening the full abdomen, upper back, hamstrings, gluts and inner thighs. Founder, Athena Casey, recommends taking this class 3x a week for your heart health. Follow it up with Kyphotic Lordotic and Lordosis flexibility work.

Slider Disc Cardio Burst
KLP, LP Boost Endurance, Lower Body Conditioning, Weight Loss 4 - Intermediate/Advanced Slider Discs 15 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 chair
1 yoga block
1 red loop band
2 slider discs or wash cloths
Challenging low impact cardio burst. Excellent for enhancing coordination, lengthening and strengthening the full abdomen, upper back, hamstrings, gluts and inner thighs. Founder, Athena Casey, recommends taking this class 3x a week for your heart health. Follow it up with Kyphotic Lordotic and Lordosis flexibility work.

Slider Disc Cardio Burst
KLP, LP Boost Endurance, Lower Body Conditioning, Weight Loss 3 - Intermediate Slider Discs 15 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 blue loop band
2 slider discs or wash cloths
Challenging low impact cardio burst. Excellent for enhancing coordination, lengthening and strengthening the full abdomen, upper back, hamstrings, gluts and inner thighs. Founder, Athena Casey, recommends taking this class 3x a week for your heart health. Follow it up with Kyphotic Lordotic and Lordosis flexibility work.

Slider Disc Cardio Burst
FBP Boost Endurance, Lower Body Conditioning, Weight Loss 3 - Intermediate Slider Discs 20 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 green loop band
1 red loop band
2 slider discs or wash cloths
1 single 3-pound weight
1 single 5-pound weight
Challenging low impact cardio burst. Excellent for enhancing coordination, lengthening and strengthening the full abdomen, upper back, quads and hip flexors. Founder, Athena Casey, recommends taking this class 3x a week for your heart health. Follow it up with Flat Back Posture flexibility work.

Slider Disc Cardio Burst
SBP Boost Endurance, Lower Body Conditioning, Weight Loss 5 - Advanced Slider Discs 20 MinChallenging low impact cardio burst. Excellent for enhancing coordination, lengthening and strengthening the full abdomen, upper back, gluts,and hip flexors. Founder, Athena Casey, recommends taking this class 3x a week for your heart health. Follow it up with Sway Back Flexibility work.

Slider Disc Cardio Burst
SBP Boost Endurance, Lower Body Conditioning, Weight Loss 4 - Intermediate/Advanced Slider Discs 20 MinChallenging low impact cardio burst. Excellent for enhancing coordination, lengthening and strengthening the full abdomen, upper back, gluts,and hip flexors. Founder, Athena Casey, recommends taking this class 3x a week for your heart health. Follow it up with Sway Back Flexibility work.

Slider Disc Cardio Burst
FBP Boost Endurance, Lower Body Conditioning, Weight Loss 4 - Intermediate/Advanced Slider Discs 20 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 chair
1 red loop band
1 blue loop band
1 orange loop band
2 slider discs or wash cloths
1 single 5-pound weight
Challenging low impact cardio burst. Excellent for enhancing coordination, lengthening and strengthening the full abdomen, upper back, quads and hip flexors. Founder, Athena Casey, recommends taking this class 3x a week for your heart health. Follow it up with Flat Back Posture flexibility work.

Slider Disc Cardio Burst
FBP Boost Endurance, Lower Body Conditioning, Weight Loss 5 - Advanced Slider Discs 20 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 blue loop band
1 green loop band
2 slider discs or wash cloths
1 single 3-pound weight
1 single 5-pound weight
Challenging low impact cardio burst. Excellent for enhancing coordination, lengthening and strengthening the full abdomen, upper back, quads and hip flexors. Founder, Athena Casey, recommends taking this class 3x a week for your heart health. Follow it up with Flat Back Posture flexibility work.

Visualization for Weight Loss and Change
FBP, KLP, LP, SBP Destress, Weight Loss 1 - Beginner, 2 - Beginner/Intermediate, 3 - Intermediate, 4 - Intermediate/Advanced, 5 - Advanced Visualization 15 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 bolster (a cushion works)
Pen and paper (something to write on)
This program provides you with valuable tools to train your mind. Through these exercises you can reach your goal weight, battle and conquer a healthy mindset to beat a disease, prepare to win a race, move through and heal from loss, and or make any small or huge change you’ve always yearned to make. Michael Phelps and former President Barack Obama have practices like these and look how far it’s taken them. Give it a try!

Trampoline Cardio Burst and Flexibility
KLP, LP Boost Endurance, Increase Flexibility, Lower Body Conditioning, Weight Loss 5 - Advanced Cancer Patients 30 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 trampoline
1 green loop band
1 blue Theraband
1 yellow Theraband
1 green Theraband
1 chair
This video is suitable for anyone who does not have neck, back or knee issues looking to increase their endurance and improve heart health. Exercises are programmed through all planes of motion for injury prevention and sports enhancement. Trampoline work is excellent for the lymphatic system and boosting energy (i.e. improving one’s mood).

Trampoline Cardio Burst
KLP, LP Boost Endurance, Lower Body Conditioning, Weight Loss 5 - Advanced Cancer Patients 15 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 trampoline
1 green loop band
1 blue Theraband
1 yellow Theraband
1 green Theraband
This video is suitable for anyone who does not have neck, back or knee issues looking to increase their endurance and improve heart health. Exercises are programmed through all planes of motion for injury prevention and sports enhancement. Trampoline work is excellent for the lymphatic system and boosting energy (i.e. improving one’s mood).