Horseback Riders: Abs, Back, Flexibility and Visualization
FBP, KLP, LP, SBP Ab Workouts, Back and Arms, Stability Training, Strength & Toning (overall body) 1 - Beginner, 2 - Beginner/Intermediate, 3 - Intermediate, 4 - Intermediate/Advanced, 5 - Advanced Horseback Riders, Stability Ball, Visualization 35 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 height appropriate stability ball
Athena Casey’s all posture all level workout for horseback riders focuses on abdominals, back, flexibility and visualization to help you overcome both mental and physical hurdles in riding. Enhance your posture by strengthening your transverse abdominis, internal obliques, trapezius and rhomboids and stretching posturally tight areas.

Strengthen Your Relationships
FBP, KLP, LP, SBP Destress 1 - Beginner, 2 - Beginner/Intermediate, 3 - Intermediate, 4 - Intermediate/Advanced, 5 - Advanced Breath Work, Meditation, Visualization 35 MinEQUIPMENT RECOMMENDED:
1 yoga mat
1 foam roller
1 blanket
Athena has taken the '36 Questions That Lead to Love' by psychologist Arthur Aron, and incorporated them into a relaxation practice that involves breath work, meditation and visualization. Enhance the quality of your life by learning the questions that can deepen your relationships.

Deep Flexibility
KLP, LP Destress, Increase Flexibility 2 - Beginner/Intermediate Flexibility Essentials 35 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 chair
1 small anti-burst ball
1 foam roller
1 purple loop band
1 trigger ball (a tennis ball or similar works)
Postural stretches for Kyphotic Lordotic & Lordosis Posture. Guidance on breath and alignment during each release. Muscles this program addresses include: hip flexors (psoas complex), pec major, pec minor, anterior delts, quadriceps, inner thighs, posterior delts, calves, hamstrings, gluts and the lower back.

Deep Flexibility
FBP Destress, Increase Flexibility 2 - Beginner/Intermediate Flexibility Essentials 35 MinEQUIPMENT NEEDED:
1 yoga mat
1 yoga block
1 foam roller
1 small anti-burst ball
1 blue Theraband
1 purple loop band
1 trigger ball (a tennis ball or similar works)
Postural stretches for Flat Back Posture. Guidance on breath and alignment during each release. Muscles this program addresses include: hamstrings, IT band, TFL, pec major, side body, pec minor, psoas, anterior delts, piriformis, ql, posterior delts, lats, gluts and calves.